Providing Statewide Engineering Outreach Services in New Mexico

The Office of Outreach and Recruitment in the College of Engineering provides statewide engineering outreach services to individuals across the state.  Our office leverages a network of industry, community, and academic partners to improve the quality of life, promote economic development, and enhance educational systems. Our expertise focuses on pollution prevention, energy efficiency, professional and career development short courses and workshops, and a portfolio of STEM outreach programs designed to engage K-12 students and teachers. 

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Our Programs and Services


Aggie STEM Connection

Providing programs and resources for K-12 students and teachers, and connecting faculty with broader impact opportunities. Programs including the NM PREP Programs, NM BEST Robotics, and the Technology Student Association, leverage the expertise of highly trained staff members, faculty, and industry to positively impact STEM education.

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Business Assistance

Assisting citizens, businesses, industry, and government agencies across the state of New Mexico. Business assistance outreach programs leverage the expertise of engineering faculty and highly trained staff to offer engineering expertise and solutions designed to help bolster the state’s economy. 

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Career Development

Providing career development for NMSU Students through various programs and services including the E3 Initiative, RISE, STAR, and the Engineering Ambassador Program..

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South Central Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center

The South Central Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) is led by an experienced team of community-based partners dedicated to serving Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas. South Central TCTAC activities focus on providing relevant outreach programming and technical assistance resources to support communities...

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Undergraduate Recruitment

Providing personalized and tailored recruitment for Juniors and Seniors in high school to attend the NMSU College of Engineering.

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Professional Development

Providing professional development opportunities for industry professionals across New Mexico and El Paso. Programs include the annual Transportation Conference and Quality Concrete School and various Engineering Workshops.

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WERC Design Contest

Providing a unique design competition that brings industry, government, and academia together in search of improved solutions to today’s environmental challenges. Students take the lead as consulting engineers, developing an entrepreneurial mindset as they work in teams to solve challenging tasks

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